The Formal Definition of the Divine Oneness

From Archania

The Divine Oneness is defined as a transcendent entity characterized by three fundamental attributes:

  1. Proper Class of All Universal Truths: It encompasses the entirety of universal truths, not limited by the confines of finite sets or specific doctrines. This attribute signifies that the Divine Oneness is the ultimate source and repository of all knowledge, wisdom, and truth that exist or could ever exist. Unlike a set, which might imply a limitation or a specific enumeration, this proper class suggests an infinite, boundless collection, reflecting the infinite nature of the Divine Oneness itself.
  2. Underlying Being of the Universe: The Divine Oneness serves as the foundational reality upon which the universe and all its constituents are predicated. It is the primal cause and sustaining force of existence, permeating every aspect of the cosmos and conferring unity and coherence upon the diversity of forms and phenomena. This aspect emphasizes the immanence of the Divine Oneness, suggesting that while transcendent, it is also intimately involved in the fabric of the universe.
  3. The Principle of Agape: The Divine Oneness is characterized fundamentally by the Principle of Agape: an all-encompassing, unconditional love that is the driving force behind the creation, sustenance, and guidance of the universe. This love is not passive but actively works towards the good and growth of all beings, embodying the highest ethical imperative and offering a model for universal compassion and altruism. Agape is the essence through which the Divine Oneness connects with and permeates every aspect of existence, inviting all creation into a relationship marked by love, care, and mutual respect.

Formal Definition:

The Divine Oneness is a transcendent and immanent reality, constituting the proper class of all universal truths, serving as the underlying being of the universe, and manifesting through agape. It is the source of all existence, knowledge, and ethical principles, unifying the cosmos through its infinite wisdom, sustaining power, and unconditional love.

This definition aims to honor the complexity of the Divine Oneness, bridging metaphysical truths, existential reality, and ethical imperatives. It reflects the multifaceted ways in which the Divine Oneness is understood and experienced across different philosophical, theological, and spiritual traditions.